
The National Blueprint for Action for youth and young adult tobacco-use cessation was published in the Spring of 2000 by the Youth Tobacco Cessation Collaborative. The youth cessation blueprint was developed as a consensus document to guide decisions regarding funding research and programs related to youth tobacco-use cessation, to reflect common goals and objectives among national organizations that fund such efforts, to help ensure that funding plans and programs across organizations build the strongest possible national efforts to support youth cessation, and to coordinate funding efforts.

The blueprint includes two-, five-, and 10-year objectives and funding strategies for research, implementation, and support and demand. Since publishing the blueprint, collaborative members have worked successfully to collectively address many of the needs identified in the blueprint, with a focus on its two-year objectives.

Among the more significant and important developments are the relationships that have formed among the collaborative organizations, the increase in collaboration across organizations, the co-funding of research and other projects, and the increase in attention to the issue of cessation among youth. In addition, the blueprint approach has become a model for other activities such as the National Blueprint for Disseminating and Implementing Evidence-Based Clinical and Community Strategies to Promote Tobacco-Use Cessation and the National Partnership to Help Pregnant Smokers Quit’s Action Plan (May 2002).

Download the National Blueprint for Action (PDF file) »

American Cancer Society Legacy Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Cancer Institute National Institute on Drug Abuse Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Find out how You Can Quit Smoking Consumer Demand National Tobacco Cessation Collaborative